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What Do Coronavirus Variants Mean For Your Masks?

adult woman wearing surgical mask and a hat

 As per experts, in times like the current pandemic, masks play a vital part in our daily lives. A perfect-fitting mask ensures to offer optimum protection. Surgical masks and the N95 respirators are two examples of personal protective equipment (PPE) used for protecting the wearer from liquid contaminating the face and from airborne particles.

CDC (The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has also regulated N95 respirators and surgical masks. Henceforth, it is essential to realize that the optimal method of preventing airborne disease is using PPE (personal protective equipment) and interventions from the hierarchy of controls.

What Does CDC Say About N95 Respirators?

CDC (The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) originally did not suggest N95 respirators for the public to wear for protection purposes against coronavirus (COVID-19). However, with Biden administration now in place they recommend everyone to wear N95 respirators. N95 respirators are critical to help overcome the virus. Manufacturers of N95 are still reserving a bulk of N95 masks only for the health care workers and other medical responders according to the current CDC guideline, then releasing the remaining inventories to be available for general public use.

CDC Prefers PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) For The General Public
According to the CDC, the general public should use cloth masks or surgical ones for covering their face in public to slow down the spreading of the virus, if they are not able to access N95 masks. However, the best method to protect yourself is not being exposed to the virus and taking necessary precautions or preventive measures.

What Are Surgical Masks?

The surgical mask is disposable and is loose in fitting, creating a physical hurdle between potential contaminants and the nose and the mouth wearer across the surrounding. Under 21 CFR 878.4040, the surgical masks are regulated and cannot be shared with anyone else. They are usually used for isolation, surgical and medical procedure, as well as dental veneers. They might be with or without the face shield and referred to as the face masks; however, not every face mask is regulated as a surgical mask.

These surgical masks come in different sizes and have different thicknesses to protect the person from having contact with liquids. A surgical mask helps prevent bigger particle droplets, sprays, splashes, or splatter containing bacteria, viruses, and other germs by keeping it away from your nose and mouth. Besides, these masks help in reducing the exposure of respiratory secretions and saliva to others.

What Are N95 Respirators?

They are the respiratory protective devices for achieving very efficient filtration and very close facial fit from the airborne elements. The edges of these respirators are made to make a seal around the mouth and the nose. Mostly the health care providers and other medical responders use N95 respirators.
However, there are certain similarities between the N95 respirators and the surgical masks:

• Both of them are tested for filtration efficiency, fluid resistance, bacterial filtration efficiency, particulate filtration efficiency, biocompatibility, and flammability.

• They are not recommended to be reused or shared with anyone else at any cost.

• They are disposable and should be disposed of immediately after using them once or maximum of 8 hours of combined use.

For people’s ease, (USA) specializes in selling PPE to the general
public and businesses around the country via e-commerce. You can visit our site and order masks at your convenience.