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Best Face Masks for Most Effective Protection Against Covid-19

respokare mask worn by doctor

RespoKare is the leading mask brand in the country

It has been many months since Americans started getting their vaccines. About 47 percent of Americans had already received their vaccines as of press time (roughly 158 million).

RespoKare is a well-known and leading mask brand in the United States. Since 2013, millions have been sold. RespoKare masks are made with US Patented Virax technology and is the only mask that kills viruses and pathogens as well as bacteria up to 10,000 times faster than any other.

respokare mask technology

RespoKare's N95 Respirator and mask is a NIOSH-Approved, medical-grade N95 mask. It kills 99.99% of measles viruses and coronaviruses in a matter of minutes, and 99.99% within five minutes for the 15 flu strains.

RespoKare Surgical mask uses the same technology and has been FDA-cleared. Respokare Masks are the only FDA-Cleared Anti-Viral masks in the market today.

respokare antiviral mask

Innonix Technologies Limited, its parent company, researched and created four layers for their trademark masks. The US patent technology for the outer two layers allows for fast absorption of infected droplets and to the antiviral (second) layer.

Viral infections can be quickly killed with high levels of copper or zinc ions

RespoKare masks differ from ordinary masks in that the infected droplets of the previous mask could still be on the surface. This can pose a risk to your health if you touch them.

Purchase a peace of mind for you and your family. Buy RespoKare Masks Today.